Monday 19 December 2011

Online Induction

This was the most interesting topic to me for the whole Human Resource Information System subject. From the beginning, I totally attracted by the slides. I thought it was a real website but later I just realized that it was power point. I felt interesting and really focused on the lecture because I can understand easily with the slides which were similar to the real website. After lecture, I found that online induction system is a good way to introduce an organization to a new employee and also can provide training program to new or existing employees. During lecture, the power point that shown by Dr. Nur Naha was similar with the web. The contents or steps were shown. For example, the induction programs which should be taken were listed down at the course checklist. The employees can choose the programs they need to take for training or induction. Besides that, from the web page the employees can understand the standard and policies of Human Resource Management. All the standard and methods for employees’ performance management, training and development system and also compensation and benefit are clearly stated for employees’ reference. Online induction system is a good system which helps organization to reduce money and time to conduct the training and induction program. The number of employees who are responsible to conduct these programs also can be reduced by the help of online induction system. After the lecture, Dr. Nur Naha gave a small quiz to us. We were required to answer a few questions which were related with the topic. All the people answered the questions carefully. After that, Dr. Nur Naha discussed the answer with us. I think it was a useful way to help us retain our memory on the topic. Sometimes, this is also a way for us to test our attention during lecture. It was really interesting lecture to me and I really enjoyed it.

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