Thursday 13 October 2011

On Globalizing HRIS

This is the third topic that I had learned in HRIS. I realize that to let HRIS to be globalized is not an easy task. It may face many problems in the process such as financial problem, time consuming and other factors. In this chapter, I found that there are a few HRIS models that commonly used by organizations. These models are used according to the organization’s strategies which are the need for responsiveness through local differentiation, the need for efficiency through global integration and the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing. The models that normally apply to HRIS are multinational, global and international HRIS. Actually I totally understood with these models. To my understanding, multinational model is that HRIS which implemented more sensitive with the local and regional differences. The system that the organization used is the only system and has no similar system with other. Each branches of an organization has their own power to create their own regulations which suit their branch. Only the organization used that system locally. According to Hofstede (1991 & 2001), multinational organization have an organizational culture which fits the contexts and leads to different management styles. In other hand, global model is the single, standardized, centralized HRIS in an organization. All the subsidiaries around the world use the same system based on the mother company. This system can be used around the world. Some of the organizations use international model to manage HRIS. This model more concern the transfer of knowledge and expertise to local organizations and try to retain these changes. The organization can exploit their own learning style or adaption to let the management of HRIS easier according to company’s competencies (Beaman & Walker, 2000). Moreover, may be these models are not perfect to all the organization, an ideal transnational HRIS model exist to ensure managing HRIS is perfect and not influence by any factors. Transnational model is suit to every organization and bring global efficiency, local flexibility and innovation to the organization in managing HRIS. These are what I have learned in this chapter. Hopefully my understanding is correct. If I am wrong, anybody can correct me?

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