Thursday 13 October 2011


1.  Beadles II, N. A., Lowery, C. M., & Johns, K. (2005). The Impart of Human Resource Information Systems: An Exploratory Study in the Public Sector. Communications of the IIMA, 5, 33-46.

2.  Beaman, K. & Walker, A. J. (2000). Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM Journal, 30-43.
3.  Beaman, K. V. (2000). On Globalizing HRIS: Moving to a Transnational Solution. IHRIM Link. 33-36.

4.  Dery, K., Grant, D., & Wiblen, S. (2006). Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Replacing or Enhancing HRM.
5.  Porter, M. E. & Millar, V. E. (1985). How Information Gives You Competitive Advantages. Harvard Business Review.      

6.  Shin, N. (2001). Strategies for Competitive Advantage in Electronic Commerce. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2, 164-171.

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