Monday 19 December 2011


After these few months in learning Human Resource Information System, I found that HRIS is really useful in an organization. From the topic Globalising HRIS – Transnational to the last topic payroll system in Human Resource Information System subject, I learnt many knowledge of information system which have a close interaction in human resource function. In this technology advanced era, the usage of information technology is become more popular than before. Most of the organizations use the technology to help them to reduce the workload and do the work systematically. For example, the payroll system that use by the organization is helpful in employees’ salary payment. All the details of the salary are stated which can let employees and management easy to calculate and as prove. Besides that, in the topic of online induction system I realized that with the advance technology, training and induction programs are not boring as before which usually use lecture method to deliver the program. It can be easy and interesting by using technology. The employees also not limited with the time. They can finish their training program whenever they and wherever they want. It is different from before, the employees must attend the training program with classroom or lecture method. HRIS also important in other human resource function such as performance management. The top management and employees can know the criteria for evaluate the performance of the employees. Based on that, the employees can understand the standard for evaluate their performance and avoid bias happen during performance evaluation. As a conclusion, Information System is become more and more important in an organization. The whole management relies on the information system of the organization especially the human resource management. The organization can become more competitive in future.

Online Induction

This was the most interesting topic to me for the whole Human Resource Information System subject. From the beginning, I totally attracted by the slides. I thought it was a real website but later I just realized that it was power point. I felt interesting and really focused on the lecture because I can understand easily with the slides which were similar to the real website. After lecture, I found that online induction system is a good way to introduce an organization to a new employee and also can provide training program to new or existing employees. During lecture, the power point that shown by Dr. Nur Naha was similar with the web. The contents or steps were shown. For example, the induction programs which should be taken were listed down at the course checklist. The employees can choose the programs they need to take for training or induction. Besides that, from the web page the employees can understand the standard and policies of Human Resource Management. All the standard and methods for employees’ performance management, training and development system and also compensation and benefit are clearly stated for employees’ reference. Online induction system is a good system which helps organization to reduce money and time to conduct the training and induction program. The number of employees who are responsible to conduct these programs also can be reduced by the help of online induction system. After the lecture, Dr. Nur Naha gave a small quiz to us. We were required to answer a few questions which were related with the topic. All the people answered the questions carefully. After that, Dr. Nur Naha discussed the answer with us. I think it was a useful way to help us retain our memory on the topic. Sometimes, this is also a way for us to test our attention during lecture. It was really interesting lecture to me and I really enjoyed it.

HRIS Model

The new topic that I learned is HRIS model. This model is explained how the data gathered, process and transform into data outputs.

From the figure above (McLeod, 1995), I can easy understand the flow of the HRIS Model. On the left hand side, it is the input system where the date inserted. The medium database is where the data stored and the right hand side is the output subsystems where the data is transformed into data outputs. This resource flow focuses on the flow of human resources through the firm. All the details of an employee are recorded from the beginning, before entering the firm, working at the firm and termination from employment. All the information such as training attended, performance, compensation and benefits and others are recorded. Human Resource Information System gather and store all these data that track human resources flow until it is needed and use it whenever it need (McLeod, 1995). Besides that, Dr. Nur Naha also introduced to us the HR Self-Service. When introduced HR Self-Service, Dr. Nur Naha asked us what is self-service? At that moment, my friend and I were wondering how to answer this question. Both of us understand that “self service” with the meaning of does it ourselves, but we think that maybe the answer was not that simple since it is in the subject of HRIS. Unfortunately, my friend and I were required to answer this question and both of us do not answer it just because we wonder was the answer is that simple. When Dr. Nur Naha announced that the answer was does it ourselves, both of us laugh that we think too much when answering the question. Anywhere, I think that I should not have to think much when answering this kind of question. Sometimes think in simple ways may get the answer easy than thinking much. After this, Dr. Nur Naha gave the explanation of HR self-service and its advantages to us. In my opinion, HR self-service is very good to an organization. It can reduce the task of HR and enhance the employees’ satisfaction by giving them a chance to access the activities.


McLeod, R. JR. & Desanctis, G. (1995). A Resource-Flow Model of the Human Resource Information System. Journal of Information Technology Management.Volume VI, 3.

Transnational HRIS

This topic is the continual topic of “On Globalising HRIS”. From this topic I had learned the HR Systems Architecture and Service Delivery and Model. The most attracted part in this topic is the technological architecture of the systems which are:

                                i.            Standalone systems
                              ii.            Data warehouse model
                            iii.            Single Integrated system model

I like this part because of the pictures of the systems. It is easy to understand the systems with the pictures. For example, the picture which shows the Single Integrated System Model (Beaman, 2000). 
With the picture, I can understand what Dr. Nur Naha taught us clearer. I can get the points and the general ideas of the model faster. I hope all the lecture can present in pictures which enable me to understand easier. I can differentiate these three systems very fast. Besides that, Dr. Nur Naha also explains the HR activities that are typically performed globally, regionally, and locally. Since I had read the article that given before the lecture, I can understand what Dr. Nur Naha taught us. In sum, I learned how the data generated and models that the data transfer around the world. I felt interest and enjoy the class for this topic.

Beaman, K. & Walker, A. J. (2000). Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM Journal.

Thursday 13 October 2011


1.  Beadles II, N. A., Lowery, C. M., & Johns, K. (2005). The Impart of Human Resource Information Systems: An Exploratory Study in the Public Sector. Communications of the IIMA, 5, 33-46.

2.  Beaman, K. & Walker, A. J. (2000). Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM Journal, 30-43.
3.  Beaman, K. V. (2000). On Globalizing HRIS: Moving to a Transnational Solution. IHRIM Link. 33-36.

4.  Dery, K., Grant, D., & Wiblen, S. (2006). Human Resource Information System (HRIS): Replacing or Enhancing HRM.
5.  Porter, M. E. & Millar, V. E. (1985). How Information Gives You Competitive Advantages. Harvard Business Review.      

6.  Shin, N. (2001). Strategies for Competitive Advantage in Electronic Commerce. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2, 164-171.


After learning these three topics, I just have a basic knowledge about Human Resource Information System (HRIS). I just understand the important of HRIS for human resource activities. Nowadays, human resource activities such as transactional, traditional and transformation activities are highly depend on HRIS. Besides that, HRIS can let an organization become more competitive with other competitors. The organization can get many advantages from HRIS. At last, due to technology advance, having a globalizing HRIS is needed for every organization. This can let the organization to reach to a high level. The organization can use their own HRIS to manage their company according to their needs. (1374 words)

On Globalizing HRIS

This is the third topic that I had learned in HRIS. I realize that to let HRIS to be globalized is not an easy task. It may face many problems in the process such as financial problem, time consuming and other factors. In this chapter, I found that there are a few HRIS models that commonly used by organizations. These models are used according to the organization’s strategies which are the need for responsiveness through local differentiation, the need for efficiency through global integration and the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing. The models that normally apply to HRIS are multinational, global and international HRIS. Actually I totally understood with these models. To my understanding, multinational model is that HRIS which implemented more sensitive with the local and regional differences. The system that the organization used is the only system and has no similar system with other. Each branches of an organization has their own power to create their own regulations which suit their branch. Only the organization used that system locally. According to Hofstede (1991 & 2001), multinational organization have an organizational culture which fits the contexts and leads to different management styles. In other hand, global model is the single, standardized, centralized HRIS in an organization. All the subsidiaries around the world use the same system based on the mother company. This system can be used around the world. Some of the organizations use international model to manage HRIS. This model more concern the transfer of knowledge and expertise to local organizations and try to retain these changes. The organization can exploit their own learning style or adaption to let the management of HRIS easier according to company’s competencies (Beaman & Walker, 2000). Moreover, may be these models are not perfect to all the organization, an ideal transnational HRIS model exist to ensure managing HRIS is perfect and not influence by any factors. Transnational model is suit to every organization and bring global efficiency, local flexibility and innovation to the organization in managing HRIS. These are what I have learned in this chapter. Hopefully my understanding is correct. If I am wrong, anybody can correct me?

Information System for Competitive Advantages

Information system is becoming familiar in many sectors. Nowadays, many organizations have their own website to allow other people to view. Information system can let an organization become more competitive in their sector. Information technology is a platform for the organization to communicate with customers or others. The people can know and get information of the organization by surfing internet. Not only that, the people also can get the services of the organization via information technology. People also can express their feeling about the organization through information technology. At the same time, organization also can collect more information to promote their products and services according the consumers’ needs. Organizations also can identify the target group of consumers and collect the new information for new products. Information system also gives directly impact on product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy and place strategy for achieving competitive advantages (Shin, 2001). By using information technology is also a good way for the organization to become more competitive. The organizations from the same sector may compete with each other and information technology has its advantages to let the organization become more competitive with others. Information technology is a cheaper way for organization to promote their products, services, capabilities and others. According to Porter (1980,1985) and Porter and Millar (1985),  an organization develops its business with five forces which are the threat of new entrants, rivalry among existing firms within an industry, the threat of substitute products/ services, the bargaining power of suppliers and bargaining power of buyers able to obtain competitive advantages with the competitors. For an example, AirAsia Airlines use information technology to make themselves become more competitive with their competitor such as MAS, Firefly and others. AirAsia provides many services to the customers. The customer can book tickets, searching the timetable of flight, check in by using internet and other services. As a user of information technology, I also realize that the information technology is powerful for an organization to become more competitive. People nowadays are busy to work; information technology is a good way for people to be up to date with the newest information. Therefore, IT is very important and brings advantages for organization to become competitive.

Human Resource Information System

Businessman and question mark
What is Human Resource Information System? I really got no idea about Human Resource Information System before. My curiosity made me more interested when first attending the class. What actually is it? After I attended first and second lectures, just I had some ideas about HRIS. From my understanding, HRIS is using computer based system in human resource function. The HR function includes transactional, traditional and transformational activities (Wright, McMahan, Snell, & Gerhart, 1998). In other word, an organization is using information system to store the information and data for each employee. Besides that, the information system also useful in daily transactions such as payroll, leave and absence recording, employees’ performance and other human resource function. Human Resource Information System is really useful and familiar in every organization especially in this technology era. Human Resource Information System can reduce the time that need on transactional activities and improve daily transaction become more efficiently (Wright et al.,1998). The information and data will provide the facts and evidence when the organization faced the problems in future. Besides that, HRIS gives the chance for HR to play a more strategic role to generate metrics which can be used to support strategic decision making (Hendrickson, 2003; Lawler et al., 2004; Lengnick-Hall et al., 2003). It also provides suitable and sufficient information to organization in making decision. It is really useful in administration and management of an organization. In this chapter, I also know the history of HRIS. The process to improve the HRIS since before is made me more understand on HRIS. This is what I had learned in my first and second lectures. I hope I do not have wrong perception in HRIS. There is many other HRIS knowledge I need to learn in future. Perhaps I will get more interest in HRIS.


I am a 22 years old girl and given a name Chang Xiao Yuan by my parents. I come from Senai, Johor. I am a third year undergraduate of the course of Human Resource Development. I am glad to study in UTM where I met many good friends here. I am happy to study here and hope to graduate with first class degree honor. I am a positive thinker. No matter how worst the problem is, I believe it will be solved in one day. I like sports especially playing badminton, swimming, jogging and others. I enjoy the process during sports. Sports can help me release all my stress in once. Besides that, I hate to be alone. So, I like to make friend with others. Communicate with friends help me to gain more knowledge and let me know the important of sharing. I am also a bad temper person. I always cannot hide my anger easier. But I am trying to control my bad temper and become a gentle person. I love my family very much. I want to give them the best in future. Therefore, I hope that I can be a successful person. I want my family feel proud of me and do not want to be a burden to them. I will always try my best to overcome my weaknesses and trying hard to be a successful person in future.